Thursday 14 February 2013

Writing Group

I recently got in touch with a fellow Northern Irish writer, Suzi Hull. We're both looking for other like-minded female writers in NI who would be interested in joining a writing group. Suzi has suggested organising ourselves into an online writing group, initially swapping chapters and critique online. 

If you're a published writer or an unpublished writer, with a strong desire and ambition to be published, who is willing to swap honest and constructive feedback, we'd love to hear from you. 

I can be found on Facebook and Twitter - just follow the links to the right. 

This link will take you to Suzi's writing blog, Promenades and Parasols


  1. Hi Lesa- I've been in touch with Suzanne as well- definitely very interested in this group- I'd better get writing something other than my blog!

    1. Good to hear from you Emma. Keep in touch and good luck with the writing.

  2. Hi, Belfast based, hoping to shift from corporate writing and editorial into creative sphere. Haven't been exercising the creative muscles for some time. This would be great.
