Sunday 13 January 2013

Prose For Thought

A fellow BritMums blogger has started a new challenge I thought I'd share.

Whilst I like reading it I don't have a clue how to write poetry and, despite the fact that I like writing short stories, maybe I'm too long-winded to distil my thoughts into the structure of a poem. My time on writing sites and reading blogs has shown me there are lots of poets out there so if you fancy having a go at penning some why not share it with Victoria.

This is what she has asked for:

Every Thursday I would like to publish a poem or piece of prose on my blog in the form of a link and I would love other creatives amongst us to join in!

It can be written in anyway you like. All I ask is that you follow the linky conditions:

1. Write a poem or piece of prose on your blog

2. Include a link to the Prose for Thought page that week so that everyone can share their creativity.

3. Come over to Verily, Victoria Vocalises every Thursday and link your post to that week’s Prose for Thought post.

4. To help other poets, and help publicise our creativity, I would love it if you would grab my badge code below and display it on your sidebar or in the post you write. This, of course, is not obligatory but would be very much appreciated!

5. Tweet about your latest poem on Twitter using #prose4T

You can find out more on Victoria's blog: Prose For Thought

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