Saturday 19 January 2013

One For The Parents

Ever feel like you're in one of those tv shows about the things kids say?

Having a six year old and an eight year old I get to hear some right crackers, as we'd say in Northern Ireland. 

Last week my son asked me how old he had to be before he could go to a nightclub. When I explained that you had to be eighteen he asked me if I'd ever been to a club. He seemed pretty shocked to hear at a time they felt like my second home and that his parents met in one. As the conversation went on we got talking about music and despite the fact that he still hears me listening to it (among other things) he seemed even more surprised to discover that I was a fan of dance music. He soon managed to put me in my place and remind me I'm from a different generation when he informed me that was all very good but in the old days we didn't know how to dance and that moves are far more complicated now. It crossed my mind to tell him I've waved my arms on a Ministry of Sound dance floor and question his taste (he's had One Direction on his iPod and daughter thinks Harry Styles could be her boyfriend) but what could I do but use that all-knowing parental smile.? I'm sure I had similar feelings towards my own parents music tastes and dance styles. 

On another note, I'm finding time to write this on a Saturday evening and there was a time pre-kids when Saturday evening was only good for one thing  - getting ready to head out for the night. Maybe the dear son was onto something after all...

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of the time daughter and friends announced they'd 'discovered' this great band. The Beatles. After laughing ourselves silly, we pointed out that we saw them first time around, lol!!!
